mfg b2b - Bringing Businesses Together

Supper Club

“At a round table there is no dispute about place.”
- Italian proverb

The legal side of the business world with all its jargon, rules and regulations can sometimes seem a rather confusing place. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone around who spoke your language and could answer your questions in a relaxed atmosphere?

mfg b2b provides exactly that at our Supper Club. Our bi-annual meetings provide a chance for you to network with around 12 of your peers.

After pre-supper drinks and introductions, you will have the chance to put forward any questions or issues you have for round table discussion. This enables you to obtain comments and ideas from others and tap into their own personal business experience in a warm and cordial atmosphere.

Confidentiality is guaranteed, as is the knowledge that other participants will have faced the same problems themselves.

mfg Solicitors LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England, number 0C317146
Registered Office: Carlton House, Worcester Street, Kidderminster, Worcestershire. DY10 1BA.
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© mfg Solicitors 2010